Anyone but Me by Ray Comfort

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


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Genre: Christian Living/Evangelism

My rating: ❤❤ two out of five hearts= not a favorite


Why don't we share the gospel with our friends, family, and coworkers? Fear. We're afraid of looking weird or out of touch. We're afraid we won't have the right answers to their questions. We're afraid that if they reject the gospel, they're really rejecting us. We don't want to make things awkward or strain our relationships. So we say nothing because our discomfort feels bigger than our loved ones' ultimate destination if they remain outside of the body of Christ. We know it's not, but it's just so hard to get over our fear.

 Ray Comfort has been sharing the gospel for nearly fifty years, but he still battles fear almost every time he approaches someone—because he is going somewhere he doesn't want to go to say something he doesn't want to say to someone who doesn't want to hear it. And yet, he does it. How?

 In Anyone but Me, he shows you how to overcome your fears by developing ten critical, biblical characteristics so that you can confidently share the message of salvation with those you care about. If you've been longing to see a dear friend, family member, or coworker come to Christ, now is the time to become the faithful witness they need. We never know how much more time we will have to proclaim God's good news.

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My Review: 

I got this book because witnessing is something I really struggle with. I'm an introvert; talking at all is hard for me! I thought it would be interesting to see what insights Ray Comfort could provide. 

Before I say anything, I just want to acknowledge that I realize Ray Comfort obviously has a lot more experience than I do. I mean, basically anytime he steps out of his yard, he's armed with gospel tracts and looking for someone to share them with. I, on the other hand, can relate a lot with Moses- I let other people do the talking for me. 

However, I struggled with agreeing with all he said. 

While we definitely do need to present people with the reality that we're all sinners, that if you're not a Christian you really are going to die and go to hell, good works can't save you, it would offend and draw my non-believing friends away if I started off a conversation with that. Love and tact need to be drawn into it as well- we can't be rude about this. 

Also, while I definitely want to approach more people with the gospel (lives are at stake here!), Ray Comfort's admonishment that we should do it every time we're out among people bothers me. He has an advantage over the rest of us: his youtube channel. Anytime he wants to present the good news to someone, all he has to do is interview them. I, on the other hand, will struggle a lot more with approaching random strangers on the streets for apparently no reason. 

I will say I found the two middle chapters inspiring, I just struggled with the rest. And I wanted to hear the opinion of Mr. Comfort more- anytime he wanted to make a point, he used a quote by another author. 

While I respect Ray Comfort and like him as a person, I just found he and I don't agree on everything, and that's okay. 

I voluntarily received this book from the publisher in order to write an honest review. All opinions are truly my own.

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