Let's Choose to Encourage

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Yesterday I went out Christmas shopping with a few of my siblings. We only went to a few stores, but ended up quite happy with all the bargains and good stuff we found. Anyway, as I was looking at some stuff a few aisles away from my other siblings, a woman I didn't know at all and only remembered seeing in passing earlier in the store spoke to me.  
  "I like how you look," she said. Surprised, I thanked her, and she continued speaking words that encouraged me. 
 Then, just before she walked away, she finished with, "Keep doing what you're doing." 
 I was caught off guard, and so surprised, that this complete stranger, someone I had never met, would stop me to say such encouraging, sweet words to me. It also made me realize something. 
 Our words have an effect on others. Whether for good, or for bad, that's what our choices decide. But God wants us to, as Toby Mac says in one of his songs, "speak life." We have the opportunity to make someone's day, encourage and uplift them, and while we can, we really should!   

 Too often, I may feel like, or want to, compliment someone and encourage them with my words, but I don't. Naturally shy (and a worrier) I think, What if they take my words the wrong way? or the selfish what will I do after I compliment her? Stand around awkwardly while she thanks me and then walk away? Obviously if that woman I encountered had these thoughts, she dismissed them and instead chose to bless me- and I am grateful that she did. I walked away with a smile on my face- and in my heart. It was one of the best Christmas gifts I could have received and honestly brightened my day.
       If I have the opportunity to make someone else in my own life feel the same way that that woman made me feel, to bless them with my words, will I ignore it, or choose to "speak life"?


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6 lovely thoughts

  1. Thanks so much for this, Korin! It is so true. I love it when people give me a compliment when I wasn't expecting it at all, and I also struggle with not saying something when I feel like I should. Thank you for the thought provoking challenge!
    ~ S. F.

    1. You're welcome, S.F. I'm new to writing devotional-type posts, but I this was something that was on my heart and I felt like sharing. Thank YOU for reading!

  2. It's important to watch what we say no matter who we're saying it to. But I always like to say that being polite to people when we're out - even total strangers, is something we should do. Even if it only brightens another's day, it makes things better to be polite and pleasant.

    I'm in the same boat as you re: wondering how my words might be taken. Sometimes it's a daily challenge. But we do our best, and in the end, God knows our hearts, which is the most important result of all.

    Thanks so much for the recent Finding Wonderland visit, Korin.

    1. I totally agree! Thanks so much for your encouraging comment, Rissi. It's nice to know there are others out there who have the same struggles and you're not alone. :)

  3. I'm glad that the woman was kind and spoke encouraging words to you, Korin. Thank you for posting this!! I pray that when I see someone that I can encourage them with words that lift them up. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. That's great, Hannah. And Merry (late) Christmas to you, too! Thanks to YOU for reading- I appreciate your comment. :)


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