// Author Interview and Giveaway // Livy Lynn

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I've got something different and exciting for you all today- an interview with the amazing author of The Tales of Tarsurella series! Book 2, The Rebellion, is coming out soon (it looks awesome, by the way, in both content description as well as cover art!) and I'm so excited to be a part of this blog tour! I will admit, I haven't read any of Livy's books yet, but I definitely plan on that changing.


The cover art for this book is probably one of the prettiest/most enticing I've seen so far this year. I'm a lover of fairytales, and from what I've heard, the story is just as good  (if not better) than it looks. 


SO, let's get started. 

About The Rebellion:
Something is brewing. Like the far off rumble of a train in the distance, a rebellion is stirring. A cry for change arises in the midst of a traditional monarchy, where King Addison has inherited the throne. Who are the underground troublemakers? What is stirring their defiant banner and demand for change? Find out in The Rebellion! (The Tales of Tarsurella #2)
Vanessa Bennett lands her dream job working at the Palace in Tarsurella. She struggles to balance everything on her plate: life in a new country, stressful deadlines, crabby co-workers, college classes at the local University, and blossoming feelings of romantic adoration toward her boss–King Addison. Keeping up with her To-Do list, while trying to earn respect in Addison’s male-dominated administration, presents its challenges. Nevertheless, she can’t help but fight a reoccurring thought and the excitement rising with it: is Addison interested in her?
Addison is adjusting to his new role as King. Rumors of a rebellious uprising among the youth in Tarsurella intensifies, as acts of violence and protest break out across the city. Addison is determined to uncover the hidden instigator who fearlessly blogs democracy-driven ideals with a secretive pen name. Will Addison discover and expose the fiery rebellion leader? Or will his efforts fail to stop the rebellious thoughts spreading like wildfire, causing a heartbreaking rift in his divided nation?


Where did you get the idea for this series?

What's fun about The Tales of Tarsurella, is I never really intended for it to be a series. The Coronation was just a fun project I was working on for my own enjoyment. I've always had trouble finding stories that I enjoy reading, so I wanted to create something with the following elements: 

-Ball gowns 
-Mysterious security guards 
-Pop bands 
-A super large and lovable family 
-Strong morals and family values 
-Crazy plot twist and nail-biting moments 
-An adorable sprinkle of clean romance 
-A spunky little girl with a huge imagination (aka, Princess Millie)

I had never read anything quite like that before, so I wanted to create my own little world! And that is how The Coronation was born. 

What message do you want readers to take away from this latest book in the trilogy? 

"There's purpose in the question mark."

Not to directly quote one of my characters or anything...but I did. Oftentimes in life, we can feel like everything about who we are and what's happening around us is one big, severely complicated, unexplainable question-mark. The characters in The Rebellion have a lot of turmoil, questions, and mystery to work through, and even though they're trusting God for answers...they're not coming. My prayer is that this story will ignite hope in the heart of every reader who feels like their life is one big pile of puzzle-pieces. God can and IS working things out in your life - just like He's working things out in Tarsurella.

Also, since this is book #2, and Happily Ever After hasn't quite arrived yet, I think it's fitting that one of the main themes in this book is, "HOLD ON, GOD IS WORKING STUFF OUT!" Because sometimes we have to learn to be patient in the waiting.  

Why self-publishing? 

I chose to self-publish The Tales of Tarsruella for several reasons. There are pros and cons to both traditional publishing, and the indie world, but here are a few reasons why I would recommend self-publishing to aspiring authors! 

-The process is much faster. (In the traditional world, it can take months, even years for your agent to sell your manuscript to a publisher, and then it can take a full year or two for the book to be released.) So if you have a story on your heart you feel like God wants you to get out within a certain season in life, self-publishing is great for moving at a faster pace. 

-You have complete control over every step of the process. You're super involved and get to choose everything, from your cover, to your formatting, to your release date, marketing plan, etc. It's all you! For some aspiring authors, this can sound SUPER overwhelming, and scary even, but you learn SO MUCH as you take one step after another and the feeling when your book is finally done, is indescribable! 

-You make so many amazing friends! The Indie-Community is truly so loving and giving, and if you need help with something, there are always those who are willing to jump on board! In fact, if you're considering possibly Self-Publishing, my friend Bella and I offer what we like to call 'Cheerleader Sessions' for authors! We would be honored to help you walk through the process of getting your book published! If you're interested in learning more about that, here's all the details: https://www.livylynnblog.com/2018/01/15/cheerleader-sessions/   

Do you have any other stories in the works? 

Of course! :D The Wedding (Tales of Tarsurella #3) is almost ready for editing!  

This year I'll also be releasing Regal Hearts Season 2 in paperback, and Season 3 in digital format. Regal Hearts: The Unlikely Story of a Princess, a Popstar, an Amish Girl, and an Average Girl was written in an eposdical, TV style format, so I refer to each section as "Episodes". You can actually read the entire first episode, for free, if you're interested! You can grab that here:  http://livylynnblog.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=52a89184eecb2e965d9ddfa27&id=4e615b60ba

I also have a few other projects I would LOVE to tell you about, but I can't yet. Soooooo, you'll have to stay tuned! :D 

Do you like to listen to music as you write? If so, which singers/soundtracks?


I actually don't listen to music that much while I'm writing. I really like having the peace and quiet, but I do listen to music while I'm brainstorming! Some of the songs I listened to while brainstorming for The Rebellion, were...

-All We Have is Love by Sabrina Carpenter 

- The Disney Fairytale Wedding Soundtrack (Instrumental)

-Enchanted by Taylor Swift

What writing resource is a must-have?

There are still SO many writing books I need to read, but so far my favorite has been "How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method" by Randy Ingermason. He presents a really fascinating plotting method, that I've been having fun playing around with! I started working on a project using the Snowflake Method, back in November for NANOWRIMO, but I haven't finished that book yet....sooo, that tells you how NANO went, haha!  

What's next for you?

-Finish The Rebellion Blog Tour! 

-Release Regal Hearts Season 2 (paperback) & Season 3 (digital)! 

-Edit The Wedding 

-Release Top Secret Project #1 

-Release Top Secret Project #2 

-Keep working on a myriad of super fun projects, and then try to decide which one to release next...

All right- now some fun, random questions...

Name your favorite childhood book. 


Cinderella. Hands down.

Say The Tales of Tarsurella  is going to be made into a movie or  TV show. Who do you hope will play your characters, and which country(s) do you want the film crew to shoot in? 

Well, first of all I'm going to FREAK OUT because MY DREAMS JUST CAME TRUE AHHHH!!! And then, after I'm back on planet earth, and thinking calmly and rationally about this thing, we're going to go CASTLE HUNTING. That's right, I'm going to Tour dozens (maybe even hundreds) of castles across the globe, until we can find the PERFECT ONE(s). 

I'm not super picky about which country we film in, I mean France, Germany, Greece, New Zealand...I'LL GO ANYWHERE!  

Then, once I've picked out the perfect palace, I'll work on getting permission to film...hehehe...

As far as casting goes, I would love to work with brand new faces. I'd post a global casting call and sort through thousands of applications until I find the exact people that God has literally pre-destined for these roles.

Which of your characters is most like you?

Jane Akerly. She's a new face in The Rebellion, but she's kinda like my mini-me.

Name three or more fictional characters you relate to or have a personality similar to. 

Jane Bennett from Pride and Prejudice, Queen Susan from The Chronicles of Narnia, and Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility.  Oh my goodness I just made myself sound so posh and sophisticated HAHAHA, well I'm also like Ramona from Ramona and Beezus, so there's that too. :P


More about Livy: 

Livy Jarmusch is a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. She enjoys crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When she's not writing, you can usually find her playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning her next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and Golden Retriever Puppies.


Check out her new book on Amazon and Goodreads-

Amazon - 

Goodreads - 

^ Loving this quote! ^
I had a lot of fun asking her questions and seeing her answers, and I hope you did too. Personally, I'm looking forward to the release of her book, and I'm hoping to have the chance to read it someday (hopefully soon!). 
And now, last but not least, you also have the chance to enter to win a signed copy Livy's new book, The Rebellion! Be sure to enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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