Playing the Part, by Jen Turano
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: Five out of Five Hearts ♥♥♥♥♥
Lucetta Plum is quite happy with her life on the New York stage. But a dangerous fan forces her to suddenly "retire" ...and sends her headlong into another acting role. Will she play the part of the soon-to-be bride that her friend Abigail Hart has created for her? Will she unmask the real Bram Haverstein, the seemingly wealthy and undeniably eccentric grandson of Abigail? Will this farce turn into a comedy or a tragedy?
Description from
My Review:
Upon receiving this book, I was looking forward to reading, as I have heard good things about this author. While it wasn't everything I thought it'd be, it did not disappoint.
The characters were eccentric, unusual, very funny and extremely lovable! I had to laugh several times because I could see my sister doing some of the things the character of Bram Haverstein did. I was cheering the characters on all the way as they met with various obstacles, and while I didn't read the first two books in the series (was it a series, or were the characters just related?) I got into their characters easily.
The story had a great plot, a hint of action, lots of comedy, and a bunch of romance. While the book appeared centered around Lucetta's escape from the "dangerous fan", it really didn't seem to be in the story quite as much as I'd thought, and the danger sometimes was a bit not-dangerous, but it was all still enjoyable. Oh, and I loved the cover and back cover! I think I've said it before, but I always love it when there's more than one photo of the character(s) on the cover.
One thing, though, I didn't like as much was the writing style. Things sometimes seemed over-explained, and it was a bit hard once in a while to get into it because of the style.
Overall, however, I enjoyed this novel!
Note: I got this book free from Bethany House in exchange for doing a review. All opinions are my own.